5 eCommerce trends to look out for in 2022

Key Takeaways

If 2020 was the year that sent the world indoors, 2021 was the year that sent us online. With each lockdown, the reliance for digital tools continued to grow. Now, having a digital presence is no longer optional. Consumers expect a business to sell online. eCommerce has quickly become an essential part of everyday life for consumers.

This new wave of online retail has also resulted in some major changes to the eCommerce landscape. In 2022, those changes will continue, with a few major trends to keep an eye out for.

More competition will require an improved customer experience

As more and more businesses build an online presence, the competition for customers will continue to grow. In order to stand out, businesses will need to offer a top notch customer experience. Brand building will be key to success. Businesses will need to shift their focus from customer acquisition to customer retention.

Local business will remain a focus

The love of local business continues to be an important trend in 2022. Small businesses especially will need to focus on their local markets, even when selling online.

The past few years have made it clear that local businesses are the fabric of a community. Consider working with a digital marketing expert to optimize your site’s local SEO or to develop a local advertising campaign for the year ahead.

Data privacy will change how we track consumer behaviour

New changes to the Apple iOs have already had a huge impact on data privacy. Consumers are able to opt out of third-party tracking. Tech journalists have reported drastic drops in email open rates as a result.

Without this wealth of consumer data, businesses will need to rely more on the on-site consumer behaviour. Ensuring your eCommerce site is tracking the right information for you will be more important than ever.

Increased supply costs mean higher prices

The global supply chain has been dramatically impacted by COVID-19, and those changes are expected to continue in 2022. Experts are predicting shortages across nearly every industry which means longer delivery times and increased costs. Businesses and consumers alike should prepare for changes to the cost of their favourite items.

Consumers will expect this increased cost to be offset with an incredible customer experience so be sure to keep that in mind as you plan for 2022.

Ease of purchase will become key to success

As more consumers and businesses move online, smaller changes to the purchase funnel will become even more important. The rise in mobile purchases will demand mobile-optimized sites and simplified checkout flows. Working with a Shopify expert to improve your click-through-rate can have a massive impact on your overall sales.

For the tech-savvy and luddite customers alike, an easy checkout process will improve the customer experience and make them more likely to buy.

Set up your eCommerce store for success

One trend for 2022 is clear—eCommerce is here to stay. Be sure to build a high quality online customer experience and get your site ready for the year ahead.

If you’re looking to grow your business or to learn more about Shopify eCommerce, book a consultation call with our team and get you geared up for 2022!

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